Hi everyone my name is Stella and I welcome you to Soulgetic.

I’m not one for long introductions or ridiculously soppy standardised stories about my life so far….mainly because I’m still trying to live my very best life and have sooo much more to learn!
What I can say though, is that; fitness saved me from my demons in every sense! This went along with the discovery of mindfulness and real manifestation.

Nearly two years ago I brought a book called The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle to read on the plane whilst flying out on a well-deserved holiday. Where I was going doesn’t matter for now, and initially neither did this particular book. What does matter is that I read it again as I didn’t really feel that I took in its simplistic message the first time.

I remember reading it the second time and literally I felt like a light bulb had popped up above my head. So many visions came to my mind and I took a deep breath and sighed as if I had been reborn.
Reborn like a Lotus flower or a sphinx spreading its wings from the beaming sun, free to do as I desired, and in whatever way necessary.

I had to the most part been able to release my ego, to step outside of myself and take an honest look at myself from within but with a clear perspective. I realised that indeed I am not my mind or my body, however my thoughts and body most defiantly hold great power in helping me achieve the ultimate best version of myself, and so the concept of Soulgetic was born.

..Which brings us back to reality!

So, as some of you guys may have noticed, Soulgetic now has a full functioning website! Yayyyyyy!
It took a while but we finally got there.  However even now we are still thinking of ways to improve the way we communicate with you all, especially through our website.

Throughout my own personal journey I have learned many lessons. What may have been challenging before is just the start! Both physically and mentally!

We have so much in store for everyone in 2018 and it doesn’t just stop at clothes and fitness! Soulgetic aims to be a hub of inspiration to as many people as possible, however to do this we need your support to manifest the Soulgetic movement!
So please share what we are doing with family and friends, check out our clothing and come up with ideas and let us know what you think, let’s work collectively to improve all our lives.
Don’t hesitate to get in contact with us on the below methods;

Email: info@soulgetic.com

Facebook: Soulgetic

